Memory Verse: Week of February 5th

Week of February 5th. Luke 1:49-50
[49] for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name. [50] And his mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation. (Luke 1:49-50 ESV)
[Context: This is part of Mary’s song that she sings when seeing that Elizabeth is pregnant according to the word of the angel Gabriel. Though it costs Mary in terms of this momentary life – she recognizes that in Jesus – is everything she could ever hope and long for – now and forever. In this section of her song – the first Christmas Carol – she brings out characteristics of God that enables her to trust him. God is holy, so He had to do something about our sin. He is merciful, (in fact, the Bible tells us He loves mercy) so He wanted to do something about our sin. And He is mighty (v. 49), which means He is able to do something about our sin. And we see in these verses that God’s mercy is available not just to Mary – but to all those who fear him from generation to generation! ]
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