Grace Fellowship is a Family of Churches: (Saskatoon | Warman | Edmonton)


Giving cheerfully and sacrificially of our finances is part of our worship

For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son. Jesus gave the ultimate gift—His life. He died on the cross, separated Himself from God, and saved us from our sins. Our response to Jesus’ generosity is to give our time, talent, and money in His name. Every good gift comes from Him, and we are stewards of His resources. Giving is an act of worship. When we give sacrificially, emptying of self and all things, we are freed from consumerism, we rightly proclaim our faith in God, and demonstrate our faithfulness to His plan and provision over our lives. If Grace Fellowship is your home church then feel free to use any of the following options to give to support the forward progress of the proclamation of the Gospel throughout Saskatoon and beyond. As a matter of practice and principle, all gifts are allotted to Grace Fellowship’s general budget unless they are designated for a payment for a specific activity or program that already exists (i.e. event registrations, benevolent fund, church planting missions, etc.). We thank those who continue to help meet these needs and pray that Grace Fellowship would carry forth in faithful, consistent, godly giving as Scripture instructs.

Automated Withdrawls

If you would like to setup an automated donation direct from your bank account, saving us fees and related charges, please complete our Pre-Authorized Giving Form available as a printable file here, or pick one up beside the giving box on Sunday mornings. Once you’ve completed the form, place it in the giving box along with a voided cheque on a Sunday morning or email it to finances@gracesask.com.

Download Automated Giving Form


If you prefer to give through your online banking, you can send an e-interac to finances@gracesask.com. Please indicate in your message your full name, email address, as well as whether you are a part of Saskatoon, Warman, or Edmonton.

Cheque or Cash

Drop off your cheques or cash in the giving box as we worship together on Sundays. If you require a tax-receipt, complete one of the envelopes available beside the giving box.

Online Giving

If you wish to give online, you may fill out the following form.